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Nate Braymen
May 16, 20212 min read
Q171 - COVID Vaccine Injury
Question: An employee is heavily pressured by their employer to get the COVID19 vaccine. As a result of the vaccine, the employee...

Nate Braymen
Jan 3, 20212 min read
Q116 - COVID-19 Vaccine Injury
Question: An employee receives the COVID-19 vaccine as required by their employer. Due to a negative reaction to the vaccine, they become...

Nate Braymen
Dec 20, 20201 min read
Q112 - Reinfected with New COVID-19 Strain
Question: An employee who previously had a recordable by contracting COVID-19 at work from a coworker is reinfected with a new...

Nate Braymen
Dec 13, 20203 min read
Q110 - COVID-19 Hospitalization
Question: An employee is hospitalized for COVID-19 after he begins feeling ill at work. No one else in the office has tested positive for...

Nate Braymen
Dec 13, 20201 min read
Q109 - Face Mask Skin Infection
Question: An employee required to wear a mask develops a fungal infection on his skin around his mouth. A doctor prescribes ketoconazole,...

Nate Braymen
Apr 26, 20201 min read
Q43 - Warm Wax Treatment
Question: An assembly line employee reports aching pain in his hands to the third party Occupational Health Nurse that works on site. The...

Nate Braymen
Apr 19, 20201 min read
Q42 - Kinesiology Tape
Question: Upon elbow pain setting in at work, a vehicle seat assembler reports the pain to her supervisor. In the First Aid Office, the...

Nate Braymen
Apr 19, 20201 min read
Q41 - Therapeutic Exercise
Question: An employee alleges shoulder pain after struggling with a stuck valve at work. At a clinic, the doctor diagnoses the employee...

Nate Braymen
Apr 19, 20201 min read
Q40 - Injured During a Guided Tour
Question: An employee returns to work on a Saturday (outside of regular working hours) with his family and several other people to...

Nate Braymen
Apr 12, 20201 min read
Q39 - Banking Job COVID-19 Exposure
Question: A large bank begins educating their lobby employees on the characteristics of the COVID-19 virus. They place signs in the lobby...

Nate Braymen
Apr 12, 20201 min read
Q38 - COVID-19 Self-Medication Injury
Question: At a fish tank cleaner manufacturer, an employee insists the fish tank cleaner can act as a medication to prevent COVID-19...
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