The owner of a small 8-person business brings his 17 year old son to work to begin training him how to run the company. The two get into a fight and the son pushes the father, who slips and twists his ankle. The father receives a prescription for anti-inflammatory medication as well as a rigid brace for his ankle. Is it recordable?
NO. Companies with 10 or fewer employees are partially exempt from OSHA recordkeeping and do not need to keep an OSHA log.
1904.1(a)(1) If your company had 10 or fewer employees at all times during the last calendar year, you do not need to keep OSHA injury and illness records unless OSHA or the Bureau of Labor Statistics informs you in writing that you must keep records under § 1904.41 or § 1904.42. However, as required by § 1904.39, all employers covered by the OSH Act must report to OSHA any work-related incident that results in a fatality, the in-patient hospitalization of one or more employees, an employee amputation, or an employee loss of an eye.​

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